What are Chemical Fire Retardants?

What are Chemical Fire Retardants?

If we asked, "What puts out a fire?" even a child could probably tell us that water does. If you're a little older and a bit more educated, you may even say sand. Yes, both of these are true but they aren't the complete answer. In order to fully discuss everything that stops a fire from starting, delays the flames, or even possibly extinguishes them all together, we must discuss chemical fire retardants.

What are Chemical Fire Retardants?

By definition, chemical fire retardants are chemicals that slow ignition and prevent fires. They are used to meet flammability regulations. Chemical fire retardants, also known as flame retardants, are used in furniture, electronics, building materials, mattresses, textiles, wires, paint, and more. Beyond products that may contain flame retardants, you can also add chemical fire retardant for an extra layer of protection- literally.

What does this mean exactly? In easier to understand words, when added to different products and materials, fire retardants can help either prevent fires from starting or at the very least limit their spread. The term “fire retardant” actually refers to a function, not a family of chemicals. A variety of different chemical compounds, each with different properties and molecular structures, act as fire retardants. These chemicals are often combined for effectiveness.

How Do They Work?

Did the word "chemical" jump out at you? They work through the uses of chemical compounds that slow or stop what fire needs to be an active flame. Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the "fire triangle." Fire needs these three elements to burn, and certain chemicals remove them from the equation.

Chlorine and Bromine are examples of chemical fire retardants. More specifically, they are halogenated flame retardants. This means they have one carbon atom bound to a halogen atom and are used to protect many types of plastics and textiles.

Order Chemical Fire Retardants Online

In 2019 alone, according to the U.S. Fire Administration and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), an estimated 1.3 million fires were reported in the United States. These fires caused 3,700 civilian fire deaths, 16,600 civilian injuries, and $14.8 billion in property damage. Wow! These numbers are staggering. Clearly, the use of flame retardants is especially needed and important. Thanks to the large volume of electrical and electronic equipment in today’s buildings, coupled with a larger volume of combustible materials, our homes and commercial buildings have more potential for fire hazards than ever before.

If you want to protect your family, secure your property, or keep your commercial building as safe as possible, you're going to want to look into the possibility of buying chemical fire retardants online. Through our website, you can buy products specifically designed for certain substrates, like fabric and wood. These chemical fire retards offer the extra protection you're looking for in order to have peace of mind.

Dec 27th 2021 RDR Technologies

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