Ways to Protect Your Home From Forest Fires

Ways to Protect Your Home From Forest Fires

The frequency and severity of wildfires are growing all over the United States. Homes located in fire-prone areas pose a threat to family members that must be taken care of. You have to establish an effective fire escape plan when a fire starts.

Keeping your home and family members safe during a fire is a must. To help you build your strategy, this blog will highlight how you can protect your home when a wildfire breaks out. Now, you will be ready to respond accordingly when a disaster happens.

How to Protect Your Home

Here is what you should do to protect your home from forest fires:

Clean Your Roof and Deck

Small flames and burning embers are the most common reasons a structure catches fire. If you live in a fire-prone area, use fire-resistant materials and remove flammable materials from your home. Perform frequent inspections to ensure there are no materials that will catch fire in the event of a wildfire.

Keep Embers Out

Embers are pieces of burning wood or vegetation that can travel over a mile when airborne. Prevent embers from entering your home by sealing vents and other openings. Radiant heat can cause windows to shatter, so ensure you install double-pane windows to withstand the heat.

Create a Defensible Space Around Your Home


Create a defensible space that includes your home and everything around it in a 100-foot radius. Safeguarding the 5 feet around your home is not enough if you live in a fire-prone area. Ensure you consider three zones for your safe space:

  • Zone 1: 0 to 5 feet. Hardscaping can be used to make fuel breaks. Utilize nonflammable items. Regularly water or irrigate your yard and plants. Plants should not have any dead parts or be within 5 feet. Avoid keeping flammable objects under or on your deck.
  • Zone 2: 5 to 30 feet. Plant and care for trees and shrubs in groups that are evenly spaced. Remove tree limbs and plants that are dead. Leave at least 10 feet between crowns to maintain trees.
  • Zone 3: 30 to 100 feet. Similarly to Zone 2, Plant and care for trees and shrubs in groups that are evenly spaced. Remove tree limbs and plants that are dead. Leave at least 10 feet between crowns to maintain trees. Prune lower tree branches.

Apply Fire-Retardant Paint

Fire-retardant paint is an excellent line of defense against wildfires. These specialized paints contain properties that can inhibit the spread of flames and reduce the surface temperature of the treated area. Applying fire retardant paint to your home's exterior, especially in vulnerable areas, can significantly enhance your home's fire resistance.

Safeguard Your Home

Protecting your home from forest fires requires a proactive approach and thoughtful planning. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and ensure that your home is well-equipped to withstand the challenges that forest fires may present.

RDR Technologies specializes in fire retardant sprays, paints and coatings, fire suppressants, and other specialty chemicals. We work with the top fire retardant manufacturers in the country to give you a one-stop shop to meet your fire code requirements. Contact us today!

Sep 8th 2023 RDR Technologies

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