Is There a Difference Between a Fire Retardant and Flame Retardant?

Is There a Difference Between a Fire Retardant and Flame Retardant?

When it comes to fire safety, you can't have any doubt in your mind. What is a flame retardant? What is a fire retardant? Is there a difference between fire retardant and flame retardant? We're here to answer all of your questions!

Table of Contents

  • What Is a Flame Retardant?
  • What Is a Fire Retardant?
  • Is There a Difference Between a Fire Retardant and Flame Retardant?

What Is a Flame Retardant?

Flame retardants refer to a variety of substances that are added to combustible materials- meaning any substance that will burn. To put it as simply as possible, flame retardants reduce the risk of a fire starting on a structure, as well as the risk of the fire spreading. This leaves more time for people to escape and firefighters to respond. When it comes to a structure fire, the more time to respond the better!

What Is a Fire Retardant?

One uses a fire retardant to slow down or stop the spread of fire or reduce its intensity. Most often, you accomplish this via chemical reactions that reduce the flammability of objects or delay their combustion.

Fire retardants are available in foams, gels, paint coatings or sprays to be applied to a structure or object. For example, you could give your dining room table a fresh coat of paint with fire retardant chemicals put right into the paint. You could also spray your attic's insulation. The options are nearly limitless!

Is There a Difference Between a Fire Retardant and Flame Retardant?

After answering what is a flame retardant, you may not see a big difference between the two. You're right! The truth is that the two are pretty close. They're not quite interchangeable words, though.

You can use fire retardants to prevent damage to houses, buildings, and structures. On the other hand, you would use flame retardants on furnishings, textiles, and items within the building itself, such as electronics. If you wanted to stop the wall from catching on fire, you'd use a fire retardant. If you wanted to make sure the drapes don't catch on fire that would then spread to the wall, you'd use a flame retardant.

We hope this answered your question. If not, the team at RDR Technologies is always here to help! We're happy to answer questions or help you find the fire product for your exact situation. Contact us today and remember, a fire won't wait for you to be ready. Now that your most-pressing questions have been answered, it's time to order your needed products and give your home the protection you need to breathe easy. Get ready before it happens!

Jun 30th 2022 RDR Technologies

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