How Does a Fire Prevention Plan Benefit Your Workplace?

How Does a Fire Prevention Plan Benefit Your Workplace?

When you think of a catastrophic fire, you probably imagine it happening either in a house or in a restaurant. The truth is that a structure fire can break in any type of building, including those used for commercial purposes other than cooking. For instance, your office may have fault wires that cause an electrical fire.

This is precisely why it behooves you to learn all you can about a fire prevention plan. How does a fire prevention plan benefit your workplace? What does one need to entail? RDR Technologies is here to answer all of your fire-related questions!

Table of Contents

  • How Does a Fire Prevention Plan Benefit Your Workplace?
  • 5 Requirements of Fire Prevention in the Workplace
  • Order Fire Retards For Your Commercial Setting

How Does a Fire Prevention Plan Benefit Your Workplace?

OSHO reminds us that the purpose of the fire prevention plan is to prevent a fire from occurring in a workplace. Fires affect thousands of companies each year. These fires result in injury, lost revenue, and often damage to the building. By establishing a fire prevention plan, you are able to avoid injuries to your staff and customers, costly damages, and potential fines to your business.

Wait- fine? Yes! This isn't just a suggestion or a good idea. If your workplace has more than 10 employees, it is a requirement. Your company's fire prevention plan must be in writing, be kept on-site in the workplace, and be made available to employees for review.

5 Requirements of Fire Prevention in the Workplace

So, we know why the plan is important. What does the plan need to include in order to stay within government regulations and reduce your risks? The Department of Labors tells us that, at a minimum, your fire prevention plan must include:

#1 A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling, and storage procedures for hazardous materials. As well, include potential ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard.

#2 Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials.

#3 Procedures for regular maintenance of safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials.

#4 Who is responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition or fires. We encourage you to develop, train, and educate a team of individuals who are willing to enforce fire safety and prevention methods throughout the building.

#5 Who is responsible for the control of fuel source hazards. Most likely, you will want this person or people to be the same as the team for #4. In addition, they will also assist others during a fire emergency and even help guide others to safety.

Order Fire Retardants For Your Commercial Setting

How does a fire prevention plan benefit your workplace? Basically, it’s less likely that damage will occur during an emergency. We have many items available on our website that will help you in your efforts to keep your workplace fire free. This includes fire extinguishers, fire retardants made especially for wires, paint with fire suppressant additives, and so much more.

Jun 30th 2022 RDR Technologies

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